For unto us a child is born, and a Son is given...
Did you ever wonder why? Why a baby, why a manger, why then. Why did God become flesh and dwell among us?
Many voices this time of year, at least with the "Church", say it was because of love. For God so loved the world Christ was born. yet Christmas is deeper then that. Christ was born for the glory of God, to show forth his eternal greatness, which played its self out in mercy, and love, and the cross. This season is about God and his glory, it's about us only in light of this fact.
We are a wicked people, God hatters, fallen, broken, and rebellious lot. Its for this reason Christ was born. He was born to show the greatness of God in loving and redeeming a people for himself. In one sense He came because he loved us, yet in another he came because were so wicked. Jesus was born so that he would die, and in dieing would take out our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. He would absorb the wrath of the Father for our sins. An eternal punishment swallowed up by an eternal God.
This season, let us glorify God, and his greatness. May we be lost in him, and not the temporary gifts, food and family. And may we be humbled, that this season wasn't about us. It's about the glory of God. Jesus came to glorify his Father, and by this one act we received mercy upon mercy.
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