"For Christ did not send me to baptize
but to preach the gospel,
and not with words of eloquent wisdom,
lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."
but to preach the gospel,
and not with words of eloquent wisdom,
lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."
Paul hit's the nail on the head. What he said 2000 years ago is just as relevant today as it was back then. The Corinthians held eloquence in high honor. They had the right programs, the entertainment, they looked to great leaders, great speech givers. They were all about doing it "right". Yet Paul tells them that what they hold dear, what they esteem, is empty. Their wisdom, their eloquence, their programs/entertainment, is empty. He lets them know that the cross is powerful all on it's own. He reminds them that when he came he didn't use the right methods, or the popular way of conversing to convey to them the gospel. He preached the cross, because in it is the power of God, in it and through it, it has the power to transform a person from a child of Wrath to a childed of God.
Today we need to get back to the preaching of the cross. Why are we trying to decorate Jesus up, trying to impress the world, trying to manipulate people. Christ is beautiful all on his own. He needs no help in saving. If we would just preach the Cross, and like Paul proclaim and live, "I know nothing except Christ and him crucified." why? because in that one event is the power of God to save sinners like you and I.
If we are not seeing the power of God in our churches to save sinners, I mean really save sinners, we need to evaluate ourselves and ask if by our "methods" were not in reality emptying the cross of its power, because were putting more faith in our methods then in the Power of preaching the cross.
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