1. Critical Method:
a) Who wrote the book?
b) To whom was it written?
c) When & were was it written?
2. Historical Method:
a) What is the historical setting of the book? What is the culture of the audience?
b) If it is an epistle, when was the church founded?
c) Who makes up the church?
d) What are their strengths and weaknesses?
3. Literary Method
a) What is the type of literature? (Refer to last page in booklet)
c) If an epistle, what are the parts and references?
. name of writer
. name of recipient
. prayer, wish, or thanksgiving
. body of letter
. final greeting
4. Survey Method (use 2-3 sentences for each of the following)
a) What is the main idea of the book?
Remember, your observations will help you with the historical background.
Review what you observed, then pull out of the text history. I.e "church in your house"-historical we know that the early church to which Paul was writing meat in a house. Another example would be "I Paul a prisoner for Christ" Historicaly people are being put into prison do to their faith in Jesus.
Also refer to Colossians, for further historical background. Philemon is just one member of a church (which meats in his house), he's part of the church of Colossi. Historical things mentioned in the book of Colossians would also apply to the book of Philemon.
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