Dave Hunt is the head of the Berean Call. He's 100% against Calvinistic beliefs, yet it seems he's not against quoting from them and even selling some of their books. Once again the berean call (bc-stand for berean call not before Christ, even thou in this instance the two aren't so far off from eachother) showed up in my mail box. For the last six plus issues or so, it has quoted a Calvinist in it's "Quotable Quotes." Yet all the while bashing those who hold to a Reformed view. This issue was the same as before, he quoted a Puritan Preacher named Samuel Rutherford in his letters from prison in 1637. It seems Dave has a misinformed view of what it means to be Reformed. In his article he sets up a straw man then proceeds to attack it. If anyone has been subdue by his arguments, they should read the book by James White and Dave Hunt as they battle it out page after page. Also in the last in the last page of the BC Dave is selling one of the greats books written in history...Pilgrim's Progress, another Calvinist...? Dave you are confused.
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