My little boy is learning to talk and his favorite word is "Ball". Everything is a ball, he has the concept down. He looks at an apple it's a "Ball", or a grape, the list is endless. He's totally infatuated with "balls". When my son wakes up the first word he says is "Ball", it's not the only word he knows but it's his favorite among the 15+ words he knows.
My prayer for him is that one day in God's providence he (that is my son) would have the same infatuation with Jesus. That all he thinks about, talks about, gets excited about is God. My prayer for him lately is "Father I thank you for his passion for balls, and some day may that passion be placed on You, and may he serve you and follow hard after you all his days."
My sons passion is a little convicting. I ask myself, "Do I have that kind of vigorous determination to latch on to something and not let it go?" And to often I have to answer with a resounding No!
John Owen when talking about theology and studying God's word mentioned one of the key elements to his method was a "vigorous meditation" on the words of God. Not just reading a passage a couple of times, but meditating on it, thinking about it, letting the truths of scripture sink deep into your soul, and praying for the Holy Spirit to enlighten His truths to your heart and mind.
This coming year I pray that the Holy Spirit would help me to "Vigorous meditation" on the things of God. To take a passage of scripture and like my son with "balls", think about, talk about and get excited about Gods words. To let it sink deeper and deeper into my heart to the point that it flows out of my life, not only to a lost and dying world, but to my son.
My prayer for him is that one day in God's providence he (that is my son) would have the same infatuation with Jesus. That all he thinks about, talks about, gets excited about is God. My prayer for him lately is "Father I thank you for his passion for balls, and some day may that passion be placed on You, and may he serve you and follow hard after you all his days."
My sons passion is a little convicting. I ask myself, "Do I have that kind of vigorous determination to latch on to something and not let it go?" And to often I have to answer with a resounding No!
John Owen when talking about theology and studying God's word mentioned one of the key elements to his method was a "vigorous meditation" on the words of God. Not just reading a passage a couple of times, but meditating on it, thinking about it, letting the truths of scripture sink deep into your soul, and praying for the Holy Spirit to enlighten His truths to your heart and mind.
This coming year I pray that the Holy Spirit would help me to "Vigorous meditation" on the things of God. To take a passage of scripture and like my son with "balls", think about, talk about and get excited about Gods words. To let it sink deeper and deeper into my heart to the point that it flows out of my life, not only to a lost and dying world, but to my son.
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