Richard Sibbes was a Puritan pastor in the16th-17th century. Sibbes is known for his extraordinary preaching, and is called the "heavenly Doctor Sibbes." One of the books he wrote is called "The Bruised Read". Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones when referring to this wounder-full little book said, "it, quietened, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me." This was a time in Maryn's life when he was in need of Balm for his soul...
In this time of seasonal upheaval do to Christmas, Family, traveling and all the news and political jumble that's going 0n, these words will help bring it all into prospective.
"A Christian is an impregnable person. He is a person that never can be conquered. Emmanuel became man to make the church and every Christian to be one with him. Christ's nature is out of danger of all that is hurtful. The sun shall not shine, the wind shall not blow, to the church's hurt. For the church's Head ruleth over all things and hath all things in subjection. Therefore let all the enemies consult together, this king and that power, there is a counsel in heaven which will disturb and dash all their counsels. Emmanuel in heaven laugheth them to scorn. And as Luther said, 'Shall we weep and cry when God laugheth?'"
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